Doula Services

Doula Services:

DONA International Certified Postpartum Doula

You are home with your new little one. You are healing. Not just physically, but those hormones are taking you on an emotional roller coaster. A postpartum doula can help give you some much needed rest. We can provide you with useful, evidence-based information on caring for your baby, as well as help with feeding and calming strategies. Having a postpartum doula can also come in handy when it comes to helping an older sibling adjust to this significant change in their life.

Whether it’s rest you need, help with some light housework, or even just a non-judgmental, listening ear, I would absolutely love to help you in these early months we call the fourth trimester.

I am also proudly a part of Saltwater Doula Agency! Check us out and all this wonderful perinatal support collective has to offer!

*Experience with multiples as well as NICU

Certified Lactation Counselor

Breastfeeding can come with it’s challenges. The mother-baby connection and all that breastfeeding entails is nothing short of magic. I can help with establishing a good latch, which is one of the most important aspects of successful breastfeeding. I can also help if you have questions about things like pumping or pain while nursing, just to name a few.